pypif.obj.system.chemical.common.composition module

class pypif.obj.system.chemical.common.composition.Composition(element=None, actual_weight_percent=None, actual_atomic_percent=None, ideal_weight_percent=None, ideal_atomic_percent=None, tags=None, **kwargs)

Bases: pypif.obj.common.pio.Pio

Class to store information about an element in a composition vector using weight percents or atomic percents.

__init__(element=None, actual_weight_percent=None, actual_atomic_percent=None, ideal_weight_percent=None, ideal_atomic_percent=None, tags=None, **kwargs)


  • element – Symbol of the element.
  • actual_weight_percent – Actual percentage of the weight of the chemical that is this element - dictionary, string, number, or Scalar object.
  • actual_atomic_percent – Actual percentage of the atoms in the chemical that are this element - dictionary, string, number, or Scalar object.
  • ideal_weight_percent – Ideal percentage of the weight of the chemical that is this element - dictionary, string, number, or Scalar object.
  • ideal_atomic_percent – Ideal percentage of the atoms in the chemical that are this element - dictionary, string, number, or Scalar object.
  • tags – List of strings or numbers that are tags for this object.
  • kwargs – Dictionary of fields that are not supported.