1.5. Projects


Once your deployment is updated to the Teams version of the Citrine Platform, project behavior will change. Details can be found in the Teams FAQ.

Please contact support for more information.

A Project is the basic unit of collaboration and access on the Citrine Platform. They are containers for other resources, such as Datasets and modules. Access rights on resources inside a Project are managed, granted, and revoked at the Project level.

Users are individuals using the Citrine Platform, and they are made members of Projects. A user who is a member of a Project has access to all of the Datasets and AI Modules that the Project has access to.

Every interaction with every other type of resource is scoped to a single Project. This means that the same user can have different permissions on a resource depending on which Project they are using to access it. For example, imagine that a Dataset is owned by Project A and shared with Project B, but Project B only has read, not write, permissions. Then a user who is a member of both Projects would be able to add new data if accessing it through Project A, but not if accessing it through Project B.

1.5.1. Basic Project Use

Most commonly, the first thing you will want to do after connecting to the Citrine Platform is to find a certain Project. Assume that you have created a Citrine client object named citrine. To list all of the Projects that you are a member of, use the list command.


To retrieve a Project that you are a member of, either find the Project in the list:

project_name = "Copper oxides project"
all_projects = citrine.projects.list()
copper_oxides_project = next((project for project in all_projects
if project.name == project_name), None)

or get it by unique identifier:

project = citrine.projects.get("baaa467e-1758-43a8-97c7-76e569d0dcab")

1.5.2. Managing Users

There are two types of roles users can have, MEMBER and ADMIN. There are two types of access permissions: READ and WRITE. READ allows a user to view resources in a Project. WRITE allows them to modify those resources. Users with the ADMIN role have both READ and WRITE access, and can also add or remove other users and change their roles and permissions.

There are several methods for managing Projects, Users, and user membership in Projects. Listing Users in a Project

Users in a Project can be listed using the list_members() method. The ProjectMember array returned from this method has the user’s role in the Project as well as a copy of the User and Project objects.

project = citrine.projects.register(name="Your Project")

# List Members of a Project
project_members = project.list_members()

# See their roles
[(m.user.screen_name, m.role) for m in project_members] Add User to a Project

Users can be added to a Project. They will be granted READ access to resources in the Project and will be given the role MEMBER. This is accomplished with the add_user() method.

# Get the UUID of the user you'd like to add
user_id = "bed6f207-f15e-4aef-932d-87d99b2d6203"
project = citrine.projects.register(name="Your Project")

# Add them to your project
project.add_user(user_id) Remove User from a Project

Users can also be removed from a Project. This is achieved with the remove_user() method.

# Get the UUID fo the user you'd like to delete
user_id = "bed6f207-f15e-4aef-932d-87d99b2d6203"
project = citrine.projects.register(name="Your Project")

# Remove them from the project
project.remove_user(user_id) Update User’s Role and Actions in a Project

A user’s role in a Project can be updated. The method update_user_role() facilitates changing a User’s role.

import LEAD from project_roles
user_id = "bed6f207-f15e-4aef-932d-87d99b2d6203"
project = citrine.projects.register(name="Your Project")

# Make the user a lead
project.update_user_role(user_uid=user_id, role=LEAD)
from project_roles import MEMBER, WRITE
user_id = "bed6f207-f15e-4aef-932d-87d99b2d6203"
project = citrine.projects.register(name="Your Project")

# Make the user a member with write access
project.update_user_role(user_uid=user_id, role=MEMBER, actions=[WRITE])