citrine.informatics.objectives module

Tools for working with Objectives.

class citrine.informatics.objectives.Objective

Bases: PolymorphicSerializable[Objective]

An Objective describes a goal for a score associated with a single descriptor.

Abstract type that returns the proper type given a serialized dict.

classmethod build(data: dict) SelfType

Build the underlying type.

classmethod get_type(data)

Return the subtype.

class citrine.informatics.objectives.ScalarMaxObjective(descriptor_key: str)

Bases: Serializable[ScalarMaxObjective], Objective

Simple single-response maximization objective with optional bounds.


descriptor_key (str) – the key from which to pull the values

classmethod build(data: dict) Self

Build an instance of this object from given data.

dump() dict

Dump this instance.

classmethod get_type(data)

Return the subtype.

descriptor_key = None
typ = 'ScalarMax'
class citrine.informatics.objectives.ScalarMinObjective(descriptor_key: str)

Bases: Serializable[ScalarMinObjective], Objective

Simple single-response minimization objective with optional bounds.


descriptor_key (str) – the key from which to pull the values

classmethod build(data: dict) Self

Build an instance of this object from given data.

dump() dict

Dump this instance.

classmethod get_type(data)

Return the subtype.

descriptor_key = None
typ = 'ScalarMin'