2.3. Casters

A caster is an operator used for specifying a change in data type between its input and output. Casters explicitly define input_type and output_type property methods and a transform method. You define your own casters using the CastOperator base class.

2.3.1. Custom Casters

Below is an example of a custom caster that expects a dict as an input and a pandas DataFrame as an output. Its transformation creates a DaraFrame from the dictionary input.

from piperoni.operators.cast_operator import CastOperator
from pandas import DataFrame

class ToDataFrameCaster(CastOperator):
    def input_type(self) -> type:
        return dict

    def output_type(self) -> type:
        return DataFrame

    def transform(self, input_) -> DataFrame:
        return DataFrame(self.input_)